Pilates for Men? Well, why not?

After all, it was created by a man – Joseph Pilates was a professional boxer, circus performer, and self-defence trainer at police schools.

Yes, men do Pilates

It is a great workout with many man-specific benefits.

Yet, it seems there is still an underlying fear of the unknown and disregard by those who haven’t tried it. Well, here are some answers for you. Read on for some of the biggest benefits of Pilates for the manliest of men.

• Pilates works all the little, intricate muscles that are either ignored at the gym or not possible to strengthen there. Pilates included in a weekly workout regimen makes exercises at the gym more effective

• Intense attention Pilates pays to the abdominal corset muscles helps the pelvis fall into its natural alignment and the spine is then able to lift up. It most definitely makes for better posture, which gives the appearance of being taller

• Why is good posture important? Well, besides the obvious benefits (reducing pain in the back, neck, and shoulders and preventing future health issues) having good posture plays a key role in first impressions. Standing tall gives off an air of confidence. This will reflect in a positive way in your workplace, on a date, you name it.

• It can increase your game in sports like golf, tennis, swimming, running and many more. It increases strength, stamina, flexibility. It helps you balance the work you do during your professional training.

Pilates is not a girly form of exercise. It is a major butt-kicker. It is also a form of physical therapy and rehab. The combination of this increases your skill in every sport you play, makes it safer, and makes you look better while playing. It’s a triple win!

Guys, what are you waiting for?

See you on the Reformer!

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